Friday, October 25, 2013

Thoughts on Creativity

1.  What are you personal experiences with individual creativity?  Have you had times when you felt especially creative or, even, especially uncreative?

Working in federal technology consulting my life was not creative at all.  I spent 2 years following or trying to get around rules and guidelines set up by the federal governments to make tasks take an unnecessarily long time.  Those years were spent figuring out if someone had done the task before and then adapting their solution to fit my needs.  If anything I would say this process stifled any creativity I had in me.  I was told to use the “methodologies established” before creating anything of my own. No one explicitly said it and I don't think people meant their words to do what they did but they discouraged creativity. Below is a depiction that I feel is my life. As you can see it is a repetitive process that is never ending.

After I hit my breaking point, I decided I wanted to try something new and joined an incubator that was essentially a start up within the firm. The first day on the team they sat me down and said you are not allowed to use any Microsoft product other than email and if you do you can only communicate with people outside of this group. They forced me to think outside the box and move away from templates and only doing things had been done before.  We were tasked with developing new solutions with open source software for emerging markets clients. We went to client of the past and asked what their pain points were from there we brainstormed solutions to help them.  To do this we used a rapid prototype/ waterfall method.  While working on this team I was pushed to learn about a tool set I knew nothing about and an industry I knew nothing about.  I had to be creative.  I felt liberated and frustrated at the same time.

2.  What are your personal experiences with organizational creativity?  Have you worked at companies that felt or behaved in ways that made them more creative or, even, especially uncreative?

Companies I have worked at include a technology Consulting firm and a prominent high tech product development company. Overall I would say that both are not creative.  There are pockets of creativity in both but creativity is not fostered at either one. 

At the high tech company, I tired to use a new technology to help the solve their problem but received resistance at every turn, they only wanted to use excel.  To me managing a project or suite of tasks would be best done in a project management tool and not excel. I was forced to program a version of Microsoft project with excel to do many of the same functions.  They could not handle changing from one software that tey knew to another even if was better tool for the job. 

At the consulting company, we were expected to and sold projects based on the fact that we have done projects like the one we are working on before therefore creativity was not expected or asked for by the client.  We had a library of past projects and deliverables from them were all located that helped this process happen. 

3.  Do you think you, as an individual, are even capable of being creative by yourself?  And, better yet, do you think a group within an organization is capable of being creative?  

I think an individual can be creative in their own life or in their own surroundings. As an individual I can control what happens around me and how I respond to what is happening around me.  It is harder for one person to be creative in an organization because they will not have the mass that it is needed to make an impact.  They will be fighting the current of the river for lack of a better analogy. An individual that is leading a team will have a better chance of inspiring creativity within their little bubble.  If they are able to develop solutions that are inspiring and different from what others are developing that solve the problems then they may receive credit for their innovation/creativity.  If this happened there is a chance for them to change how the overall company works and change the path moving forward. It sounds easier than it really is.  Below is a story of when I was at Deloitte in a start up like environment

A group of people being creative together, working towards a single goal can be creative.  The incubator I was in is proof of this being possible.  We were able to be successful and develop a suite of tools that the client wanted.  We did this through innovative tools that others were not using.  At many times people within the organization we a part of were interested in what we were doing and had us in to speak.  The presentations would always go well and people would ask for follow up which we did but they would always drop the ball on their end and not receive sign off for using the tools from the higher ups.  Overall, the organization was interested in what we were doing but in the end did not want to implement the tools developed due to bureaucratic reasons. The team who started the initiative have since left the firm and founded their our startup using ideas we developed in the incubator.  Interestingly the firm is now partnering with them for projects and selling them as a new offering.  The firm wanted to use them but while on the inside it was to hard to change the way the organization as a whole worked but was a lot easier to bring them in as a separate organization that was “special”

4.  What do you think about the idea of different creative types of problems and, thus, different creative processes?  Should we trust ourselves just to know or sense when we need one type of approach versus another?

I have been told my whole adult life that there is a framework for everything so why not creativity?  Companies like IDEO have made innovation something you can replicate almost like a framework. They have developed their business model based on being able to develop solutions that companies cannot do themselves. This is interesting to think about because they themselves are not creative they are really just viewing the problems from a different lens through a set of methodologies or frameworks.  Applying a framework to be creative just does not seem like actually being creative to me.
I think there is value in trusting your gut to find the best solution but also understanding that when one approach does not work you need to realize it quickly and change your path.  

I think there is value in trusting your gut to find the best solution but also understanding that when one approach does not work you need to realize it quickly and change your path.

I am not sure which one represents me all times; it depends more on the problem at hand.  Understanding that both are important and it is useful to use different skills to solve different problems depending on the situation.